3-D Ethenone Model

3-D Ethenone Model
Image Of Ethenone


ETHONE(C2H2O) has a linear shape, this is because their is no central atom in the molecule. The atom consist of the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. The 2 Hydrogen's are attached to one of the Carbons to fill up 2 of the C's spots, leaving it with 2 free spaces left. Those 2 spaces then double bond with the other Carbon atom. This makes on of the C's satisfied with 8 electrons. Now that both Hydrogens and one Carbon is satisfied, The oxygen latch on to the other carbon in a double bond, therefore making the whole molecule satisfied. (See the Lewis Structure below for a better understanding.) SO in conclusion it is clear that Ethenone has a linear shape, therefore it has angles of 180 degrees.



Lewis Structure Of Ethenone

Lewis Structure Of Ethenone


This is C2H2O Ethenone and as you can see the Lewis structure looks very Linear. However the Lewis structure happens to combine the two Hydrogens with of of the carbon and not draw lines out from the carbon. But the Lewis structure does a good job of displaying itself as a straight line. This emphasizes the linear structure Ethenone has. Now we have to decide if Ethenone is polar or non-polar. I have concluded that Ethenone is in in-fact polar. Why? Because Ethenone does not have an even distribution of charge throughout it. Because its charges vary Ethenone become polar, meaning it has on negative pole and one positive pole.

Electronegativity Of Ethenone

Oxygen has an electronegativity of 3.5, Carbon had an electronegativity of 2.5, and finally Hydrogen has an electronegativity of 2.2. So Hydrogen is most positive atom because it had the lowest electronegativity. Therefore a diagram with arrows that show the flow of electrons through the molecule would look like this:

Hydrogen -----|--> Carbon ----|---> Oxygen

Another 3-D picture of Ethenone(Ketene)

Another 3-D picture of Ethenone(Ketene)


There are THREE forces that occur in Ethenone when it reacts with itself.

1. London Dispersion Forces- This force is found between any two molecules, they are temporary dipoles and very very weak bonds.(Look at the fish above, a small little representation of electron movement.)

2. Dipole-Dipole- Is a force that takes place when a molecule is polar, so when the molecules have two pole, negative and positive. Hydrogen is more positive in Ethenone and Oxygen is more negative. When an Ethenone molecule reacts with another Ethenone molecule the positive Hydrogen on one molecule will be attracted to the negative Oxygen on the other. It just like that saying "opposites attract." Atoms tend to go to their opposites, so again, the positive Hydrogen will react with the negative Oxygen to produce a Dipole-Dipole. These bonds are stronger than London Dispersion bonds.

3. Hydrogen Bonding- This is when a Hydrogen of a molecule reacts with either a Nitrogin, Oxygen, or Fluorine on another molecule. So in this case the Hydrogen from one molecule of Ethenone will be attracted to the Oxygen of the other one. Therefore producing a Hydrogen Bond. Hydrogen Bonding Is a very strong bond, stronger than London Dispersion and Dipole-Dipole.

These are the three forces that occur when two molecules of Ethenone interact. Also notice how strong the bond of each force is, I have listed the forces from weakest to strongest.

ETHENONE Advertisement!

Ethenone is a horrible smelling odor that you do not want to get close to. So one might ask "WHY WOULD ANYONE BUY THIS"? Well Ethenone's odor can be used in a more productive ways as well.

1.) Ethenone is used to kill snakes and mice that can infest your house because of its strong and toxic odor.

2.)Next Ketene(Ethenone) is used in many types of medicine, most importantly Asprin.

3.) Also Ethenone is used in various house products, such as nail polish, what would girls do with out it???


Sunday, March 6, 2011



  1. The appeance of the blog is very nice, I particulary like the fish representing the electrons.

  2. The molecule is portrayed very accuratley.

  3. I came to the same conclusion about the polarity of ethenone.

  4. The intermolecular forces are correct. I also found that ethenone exhibits the intermolecular forces of london dispersion, dipole-dipole and hydrogen bonding.

  5. 1. The overall appearance of this blog is very neat and organized. The only thing that might be a problem is the background on the blog. The polka dots and different colors might effect some reader's focous, but the lay out of the page is very neat and easy to read.
    2. When checking the picture Ethenone molecule that is given I have found that it is correct.
    3. You have correctly determined the polarity of the molecule.
    4. The definitions given for the intermolecular forces are correct and are easy to read and descriptive.
    5. I found the ad for Ethenone to be very persuasive listing what it is used for and used in. I also like the humor light-hearted humor in the ad. It helps make the ad memorable. Very nice job.

  6. nice job on the ad, i will make sure to go out and buy some ethenone.

  7. I like the overall appearance of the blog it was all portrayed really nicely. And I really liked the fish that were supposed to be electrons

  8. The molecule is definitely polar just like you said.

  9. Since the molecule is polar you can have all of the forces that you said were in existence.

  10. The add I find is very effective I need to go out and buy some Ethenone to get rid of all of the snakes in my back yard.

  11. 1. The background and colors made it really interesting and made me want to read it.
    2. You were really accurate on the molecule. You had pictures and that helped.
    3. You correctly determined that it is polar.
    4. You described all of the intermolecular forces correctly.
    5. I liked the ad. It will help with the snakes in my backyard.

  12. 1) I find that the overall appearance of this blog is vibrant. It is well-organized, and while the colors may be a bit distracting, it does make the blog lively. The fish were very nice!
    2) After looking at the diagram of Ethenone provided, it seems to be completely accurate.
    3) After reading through the blog, I have found that the determination of the molecules polarity is accurate.
    4) The definitions of all of the intermolecular forces are accurate, as well as the accuracy of their existance between two Ethenone molecules.
    5)The advertisement is both comical and persuasive. I liked the way the pictures flowed with the text, and I would definitely buy some Ethenone.

  13. Probably the most interesting blog I've seen! the polarty was accurate, along with the intermolecular forces (which were described in very unique and interesting ways, especially London Dispersion). The ad was very convincing, and I didn't know that Ketene was used to kill snakes. The design was very colorful, and kept my eye wondering back to it

  14. The atom was very well-made, and so was the dash model, as well.
